Observing Baby's Learning Style: The Rectangles

We always read story book to Alula before she went to sleep. Usually we laid some books in front of her and let her choose by herself what book she want us to read. She usually will point out with her index finger what she likes. This evening, her choice was the book titled "Lulu Loves Shapes". Although we have read the book, but it's okay.. Let's read the book again. But this time Mama added some activities to it to make it more fun.

Topic: Exploring rectangle shapes

Activity: Finding rectangle shapes in the room

Description: Mama read a story book about shapes to Alula. In the book, there are shapes that are being introduced, including rectangle. Focusing on rectangle, Mama ask Alula to find rectangle shapes in the room. I carried her in my arm, walk around our hotel room searching something rectangle.

We found several things, like books, Mama's handphone, hotel notes, coffee sachets, sugar sachets, and access card. I laid things that we found in front of Lulu, and explain that those things have rectangle shape.

Alula's response: Alula pays attention when Mama explain to her. Then she were busy playing with those rectangle things.

Learning style observed: Visual, Auditory & Kinaesthetic. Kinaesthetic style is more dominant.