Promoting Self-Feeding to a Baby: The Pincer Grasp

From what I learn during Alula's meal time so far is: baby has a natural ability to eat. Just like how they breastfeed, sit, crawl and so on. We just have to introduce the skill to them and giving few examples at the beginning.

My baby is developing her pincer grasp skill. It's the skill to pick up something with her thumb and index finger which then allows her pick up smaller objects. This is very useful in her self-feeding learning.

I would say the skill came naturally. However, Mama needs to give an example in the beginning of how she can apply that skill, especially during her meal time. After one example of pincer grasp from Mama, Alula is now able to apply the pincer grasp more efficiently.

To train her more on mastering pincer grasp, Mama is now cutting her food smaller. The idea is to allow her to practice pincer grasp more during meal time. Whenever she succeed on picking up small food, we praise her, "Wow! Alula can pick the small strawberry! That's great, Lu." She's happy and more eager to pick up the other pieces. Well done, baby girl!

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