Go-Jek: The Super App Review

I have been living outside Indonesia for almost seven years. The only thing that makes me envious of my friend living in Indonesia is the Go-Jek app.
Go-Jek is an Indonesian company established in 2010 as a motorcycle ride-hailing call center in Indonesia. The app then launched in 2015 with three service: GoRide (ride-hailing), GoSend (logistic), and GoMart (e-commerce). Since then, the app has evolved as a multi-serviced platform with more than 20 services as of today.
These are the services that Go-jek offers:
- GoRide: ride-hailing for motorbikes
- GoCar: ride-hailing for cars
- GoFood: food delivery service
- GoBluebird: ride-hailing for Bluebird taxi
- GoSend: package delivery service
- GoDeals: promotions in a form of vouchers for dining, shopping, beauty, hobby, entertainment, travel, and other vouchers for every GO-JEK's services
- GoPulsa: top-up phone credit service
- GoPoints:Go-jek's loyalty program that allows us to collect points and receive rewards
- GoNearby:exploration of nearby point of interest
- GoBills: bill payment gateway (electricity, insurance, cable TV, water, etc)
- GoShop: helps us to purchase items, pick up items and queue for appoinments
- GoBox: shipping service by lorry
- GoMassage: massage service
- GoDaily: professional runner for everyday needs (rice bags, cooking gas, mineral water galon, etc)
- GoClean:cleaning service
- GoFix: electronic repair and maintenance service (air conditioner, printer, fridge, water dispenser, washing machine, etc)
- GoLaundry: laundry services
- GoGlam: profesional stylist service (hair, nail care, make up, waxing)
- GoTix: movie tickets pre-order service
- GoAuto: automotive services (car wash, body wax, tune up, oil change, emergency towing, etc)
- GoMed: buying medecine adn prescriptions collection service
Those service really makes life easier. Whenever I visited Indonesia, this is the app that I access the most. These are Go-Jek services that I frequently use and how it helps me a lot.
I used to rent a car in the city that I visited for my mode of transportation and drive myself with the help of GPS. With GoCar, it's very convenient now. All I need is to get on the car and alight at the destination, without the fuss of finding parking spots, refuelling and so on. If GoCar demand is high (which means a higher price), I usually book a taxi by GoBluebird instead.
Oh my God, this is truly a life saver for a person who hates cooking like me. Getting food is so practical. I only need to order the food through my phone and the next thing I know, the food is at my door step. This is so helpful when I travel, especially with a toddler. Not all dining place in Indonesia provides baby chair. GoFood allows me to get my food at the hotel lobby and have it in the hotel room with Lulu.
Another thing that helpful from this app is the GoSend service. It allow us to send parcels or package instantly. I usually use this service to transport Alula's toys that I usually rent in every city we travel to. Go to gosend service in Go-Jek apps the set up pick up and delivery location, along with the recipient's contact. I no longer need to bring a lot of toys when traveling to Indonesia with Lulu.
Actually, I use this service for something else, (ehmmm..) to ship my online shopping items! :D
I love to purchase phone credit with GoPulsa. Purchasing internet data through phone can be complicated and frustrating. I need to key in some numbers for multiple times. If I press wrongly, then I need to go back and repeat the steps all over again. GoPulsa allows me to purchase the data package easily. They have all the packages listed down that makes it easier to chose from.
I really love GoMassage. You know, when you have a very active toddler, your body will ache here and there. With GoMassage, I can find a massage lady instantly. This service has a lot of options: body rejuvenation (body massage, scrub), reflexology, and beauty massage. I can choose the length of the treatment too, from 60 minutes to 120 minutes.
GoLaundry really helps when we travel for quite a long time and we don't get free laundry at the hotel. It so convenient to have our laundry done. GoLaundry will pick our laundry and delivery it when it's ready. There are options for single item laundry or by weight (per kilogram). I no longer need to bring so much clothes, and save the space in the luggage for food or souvenir to bring back to Singapore, hehehe..