Discovering Ability: Finger Painting

Today is fever day 3. Alula's fever shoot high to 39 for several times, and even 40 at one point. She is super clingy and her appetite drops. To be honest, it makes Mama super worried, because it is the first time Lulu has such bad fever until she lost her appetite. I can imagine, it must be really uncomfortable.
So, what did we do today? As expected, not much. We mostly stay on the bed all day, resting. When Alula seems to be slightly active in the afternoon, I tried something that she may like. As I think Lulu loves to draw (or maybe just scribble :p), today I tried to introduce her to finger painting!
I laid a plastic mattress to protect the floor, put some paint on a plastic plate, I put an apron on her, and laid a paper on the mattress. First, I put my finger on the plate, brush some of the paint, and draw something on the paper with my finger.
At first, Lulu seems excited to watch Mama make some pattern on the paper. But suddenly her facial expression changes, maybe because she doesn't like her hands to be messy with the paints. She slowly moves out from the mattress and leave all of the equipments behind.
Observation Note
- Lulu doesn't show interest on finger painting, but she still draw using colour pencil.
On a side note: her response may be due to her fever or other symptoms that follows. Need to try this activity again in the future.