Feeding the Elephant

We went to the zoo this morning. It was so much fun to see Lulu excited to her encounter with the animals.

We arrived at the zoo in the morning. It was not so crowded and the weather was still relatively less warm. As Papa and Mama hold an annual pass, we proceed to the entrance gate upon our arrival, scan our member card there, and we got in. The staff at the gate gave us a brochure of the zoo map laying out where all the animals are located within the zoo.

Lulu, who initially sat on her stroller asked to walk by herself as she was excited to see the animals. The first we encountered was monkeys and crocodile. Lulu has been able to identify both animals from the books she read and has been able to say the names too. When we pointed to the monkey and asked her, "Lulu, can you tell Mama what is that?", she answer excitedly "Uu..aaa.." (mimicking the sound of monkey). "Wooww! Look! what's that in the water?", while I pointed to the crocodile. Lulu then answers, "Cocooo.." (croco, for crocodile). Well done, Lulu!

We continued our walk to the dragon exhibition, hippo pond, white tiger area, seeing pouch less kangaroo, and we had a rest at the elephant area as it has some huts and seats protecting us from the sun. We had blueberries and grapes that we bought from home and drink some water too. After resting a while, the elephant show started. Lulu was so amazed to see the real size elephant, as all these time she only got to see it from the books.

As the elephant show ended, the elephant guard offers us to feed the elephant with a contribution of $5 per fruit basket. Papa took a $5 note and gave it to Lulu, and asked her to give the money to the elephant guard in exchange of one fruit basket. We stood at the fence close to where the elephants were standing. I hold Lulu in my arm so that it was easier for her to feed the elephant. I handed one slice of carrot to Lulu's hand and directed her hand to the elephant. The elephant approached us and took the food from Lulu's hand. What a wonderful experience!

From this activity, Lulu has learned the concept of buying and selling when she gave the $5 note to the guard in exchange for a fruit basket. Furthermore, giving a food to elephant teaches her how to share with animals.

#KuliahBunsayIIP #Tantangan10Hari #Level8 #RejekiItuPastiKemuliaanHarusDicari #CerdasFinansial